Saturday, May 19, 2012


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1) Physically Handicapped Youth Association,                                                       Pondicherry
 Regd. No. 96/1999, No. 152/A, Patcha Muthu Mari Amman Koil Street,           Date;12/03/2012
physically Handicapped youth Association Pondicherry

2) Pondicherry Auto Drivers Association,
Pondicherry -- 605013

1)Mr. V.Narayanasamy,                                                                2)  The Hon Lt. Governor,
Member of Parliament,                                                                      Raj Nivas, Pondicherry
New Delhi.

3) Sr. Controller of Examinations,                                             
Examination Unit – HRD -- Human Resources Department                   
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research,
CSIR Complex, Library Avenue,                                                          
Pusa , New Delhi –110012.

Respected Sir,
Sub: Anomaly in Ranking System
Pitfalls and Problems faced by Students appearing for  CSIR/ NET  Exam. Bleak future for Students especially from Southern States (Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry) choosing  Science stream subjects and opting for JRF—Junior Research Fellowship and  LS—Lectureship.

The Wards of the members of the above cited Associations have the following grievances:

1)Change in the type & pattern of questions asked from June 2011 onwards

From June 2011, the question paper pattern was changed.   The questions asked were in depth. Based on the performance in the NET -- National Eligibility Test examination, some students are selected for JRF/CSIR, JRF/UGC and LS.  For Reference, copies of the printout of the results pertaining to Physical Sciences are attached.   The Results of December 2011 examination conducted by CSIR for JRF & LS was out on 25th February 2012.  Perusing, Analyzing & Comparing the results of June 2011 and December 2011 for Physical Sciences, there is an anomaly.  

2)Physical Science Code no.5

The Physical Science Paper Code no.5.   The Roll nos. starting with no.5 also indicates candidates who chose Physical Science.  The difference between the students who passed in June 2011 and December 2011 is shown the tabular column.

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Sr. No

Type of exam
No. of students passed 
June 2011
No. of students passed  December 2011
Difference / Not               cleared

3) Inconsistency in Ranking                                                                         
It follows that there is no consistency in grading of rank. For example, it varies from the one conducted in June and other in December as per the whims and fancies of CSIR authorities. So, there should be a fixed rank cut off.  Say, for example a standard set of 350 students per exam for Lectureship should be declared as Pass.                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Results should be declared on the basis of cut-off marks, if the ranking is not suitable.
4)No transparency in evaluation and publication of marks.  Key answers along with the method of solving the problem in detail should be displayed in the Internet.
Will the authorities kindly explain or try to rectify the same in subsequent examinations.  There is no transparency in the existing pattern of examination like AIEEE or PMT like marks obtained and rank in all India level. The key answers should be released on the Internet along with the method of solving the question in detail.  This could at least give an idea to the teaching staff and students to redefine their mode of approach towards the problems.   Please note that all students are not born intelligent.  By showing or guiding them they can qualify for examination.
5)CSIR/NET as pre-requisite for JRF/ Lectureship
The Central University in Pondicherry/affiliated government/private colleges  are insisting on CSIR NET qualification  to qualify as a lecturer whereas the books prescribed by Pondicherry University for the affiliate colleges  do not measure up to standards of Bombay University, Delhi University or  Kolkata University.   So, the students from the South especially from Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry find it difficult to clear the NET exam whereas, the students of the above said Universities are able to clear the exam in two/three attempts

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6)The level of knowledge of the Teaching Staff at Pondicherry University and affiliate colleges not up to the mark.                                                                                                                                     
The teaching faculty at the college level affiliated to Pondicherry University is not upto the mark knowledge wise.  Right from the UG, PG and M.Phil level the faculties neither  teach, nor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
motivate and nor inspire confidence.  As far as Physics is concerned, the lecturers have very meagre knowledge to teach portions like Classical Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum mechanics and Mathematical Physics.   It can safely be inferred that the teachers who can genuinely teach the above portions are non-existent.  COMPLEX INTEGRATION, RESOLUTION OF VECTORS IN ELECTRICITY, PROBLEMS ORIENTED QUESTION LIKE CIRCUITS IN SERIES AND CIRCUITS IN PARALLEL, PROBLEM ORIENTED QUESTION IN STATISTICAL AND QUANTUM MECHANICS. is not in the syllabus / nor taught  to students studying  B.Sc Physics in Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu colleges.  Hence, the students are at a very disadvantageous level to write competitive exams like JEST, TIFR and entrance exams of  other universities for M.Sc(Physics) programme.  So, the B.Sc (Physics)  graduates and M.Sc (Physics) Post Graduates are churned out as educated illiterates who are not fit to appear for any competitive exams.  Whose fault it is? So, the students who have superficial and shallow knowledge of Physics subject lack self- confidence.

7) What control is exercised by the UGC over these college???
The UGC only recommends salary and  conducts NET exam but does not enforce the quality of teaching standards in these Colleges by the present faculty.   The overall control / supervision with regards to quality of teaching is woefully lacking.  The UGC has abdicated its responsibilities.
8) What holds good for Pondicherry University also holds good for other Southern State Universities
 The malaise of quality teaching is absent in other Southern State Universities also. The Students of Pondicherry and Southern states are facing a piquant situation.    The present day students having The M.Phil degree offered by Pondicherry University or the Colleges affiliated to Pondicherry is not considered for lectureship.  The HRD ministry is unnecessarily thrusting this CSIR/NET for teaching on hapless students. This is unwarranted.    The students are unable to clear CSIR-JRF / CSIR-LS.                                 
9)Orientation and Knowledge up gradation  required for existing teaching staff both at Pondicherry University & other  Southern State Universities and its  affiliate  colleges coupled with yearly evaluation of teaching staff at UG and PG by CSIR and UGC.
The existing teaching staffs at government/private colleges have not upgraded their knowledge in keeping with changing times whereas their salaries have been upgraded to the level of sixth
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pay commission.  The salary drawn by them is not in consonance with the knowledge they possess.  The faculties draw UGC/sixth pay Commission salary but they do not prescribe                                                                                                                                  
UGC/NET syllabus/teach UGC/NET syllabus.  The Association challenges the teaching faculty both at the Pondicherry University and its affiliate Colleges to establish their teaching capacity.  The Pondicherry University should make an honest introspection of its teaching staff and come out with a white paper.     
Before expecting students to clear the CSIR/NET exam, Is the teaching staff at the University equipped with knowledge to teach them??? Please answer this question. Here, the CSIR and UGC should play a pivotal role in enforcing the teaching standards in all Universities and its affiliate colleges.

10) Solution to overcome the Problem.
This problem can be resolved by regularly conducting educational programme via Edusat so that students can learn the critical subjects from experienced Professor all over India.   HRD ministry should provide/sell DVDs to solve five mark questions, two mark questions.   The present crop of government Lecturers/Professors must be compulsorily made to write CSIR NET exam. 
11) Quick Action is required.
 If no remedial steps are taken, the students will continue to appear and reappear for CSIR NET examinations without any tangible results leading to frustration thereby dashing all hope to become a lecturer.  This is in sharp contrast to the statements made by Prime Minister and other Ministers who complain that India is lagging behind in Science.  The Academicians / Politicians should come out of their Air Conditioned rooms and grasp the ground realities faced by the students.   If this trend continues, there will no teachers left to teach Physics in Arts and Science and Engineering Colleges.  As it is there is a shortage of Physics Teachers.   
12) Do we really require CSIR/NET???
In India, Sir C.V Raman -- Physics or Sir Vankatraman Ramakrishnan –Chemistry did not need NET/ CSIR to get Nobel Prizes.  Neither did Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose. Our ex – President of India   Sri A.P.J Abdul Kalam was only a Graduate in Physics yet his contribution to research was enormous.  This was due to proper application cum years of hard work and experience.  The CSIR/NET should confine itself only for Research,---- JRF/NET or JRF/UGC.    For Lectureship M.Phil should suffice.  According to Sri A.P.J Abdul Kalam the scientific temper has to be kindled and groomed.   Let us not kill the joy of learning Physics or any Science Subjects.

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13) The role of IITs and NITs.  Has India really benefitted???
Have Indians really benefitted from the IITs or NITs???    The answer is no.  80%of the students graduating from IITs and NITs opt for MBA in leading Management Institute.  Thus their knowledge as an Engineer is wasted and does not benefit Indian society.  It is a waste of exchequers money.  Being the student of IIT or NIT entitles them to get into foreign University.   In what way has these Students and Institutes served India’s interest???  Take for example; we still import Rs37, 000 crores of electronic goods from China.  These items should have been manufactured in India and saved us foreign exchange.  The same holds good for students who pass CSIR/NET exam. They go abroad for better opportunities.  
14) SLET Exam conducted by Bharathiar University,Coimbatore,   held on August 2011 not declared, till date.
 To add insult to injury, even the SLET-- State Level Eligibility Test- examination conducted by Bharathiar University, Comibatore  in August 2011 has not so far declared the results. What checks / balances and control the authorities have got over this university???  We have highlighted this problem to the Governor, Tamil Nadu as well as to the Vice Chancellor, Bharathiar University by Emails sent in December 2011.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
15) Students are discriminated.
The students from Southern States are not in a level playing field.  On the one side CSIR/UGC demand a high standard from the students but on the other they are overlooking the fact that the present crop of teachers are unable to explain the finer points of the science stream subjects. They are denied quality education at the University Level.  We repeat and emphasize that system of selecting quality teachers through CSIR/NET is laudable but the quality of teachers to teach the subjects is woe - fully nonexistent.  The students are caught between the devil and the deep sea.
16) Define uniform syllabus for U.G AND PG level Science and Arts Stream subjects.
The HRD ministry should prescribe and enforce uniform syllabus for all U.G and P.G level courses in India before conducting the NET exam.  Same question paper should be given for all the Universities under UGC and its affiliated colleges throughout India.   All Universities should be given chance to set the question paper every semester in turns. The question paper should be problem oriented.  Rural students must benefit from Science Education.  In order to develop scientific temper, stress should be laid at college level on theory, practical, numerical problems and its application.                 
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17) Pondicherry should be declared as centre for examination.
Pondicherry is having a Central University.  Pondicherry must be assigned as an examination centre for CSIR NET/ LS exam.  It will help students from Pondicherry, neighbouring districts like Villupuram, Cuddalore, Chidambaram and Vridachalam etc.  Travelling to Chennai and back for writing the CSIR/NET exam is very costly and makes students physically/ mentally tired. The bus fares are very high.   Moreover, the examination is always held on Sundays when the buses are overcrowded.  

Holding CSIR/NET exam is not a big deal.  Ultimately, it is the market forces that decide on the calibre of the students, whether he is fit for teaching or for regular job.  Sitting comfortably at Delhi, without knowing the ground realities does not augur well with the policies pursued by the HRD Ministry.    For academic admissions Year 2012—2013,  M.Phil Course has been abolished by Pondicherry University.   This is evident from the advertisement appearing in “The Hindu” dated 11/03/2012 wherein application for entrance exam for all courses has been called for barring M.Phil.

Pondicherry University being a Central University, the writ of CSIR / NET runs large.  This is nothing but coercive and arm twisting methods adopted by CSIR/ NET authorities and HRD Ministry to dissuade rural students from learning Physics.  It should be remembered that when there is a Public Exam coupled with Public money in education, the interest of the rural students should also be borne in mind.

Till we get a satisfactory reply for all the points raised in our letter from your side:                                                                                                                             

1.      M.Phil should be in force for job of Lectureship.
2.      CSIR/NET  should not be made a pre-requisite condition for job of Lectureship,
3.      Further conducting of CSIR/NET exam should be stayed and stopped forthwith till the                                        college syllabus at all India level is upgraded and taught by the faculty.

 Failing which our Association will take recourse to law.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                               Yours truly,

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