Friday, July 15, 2011

Suggestion cum Defining a new Petrol / Diesel/ LPG price structure for the P/H persons and Registered Members of the Unorg

From: Puducherry 15/07/2011
1) The President,
Physically Handicapped Youth Association,
152/A.Patcha Muthu Mari Amman Koil Street,
Kumaragurupallam, Puducherry – 605011

2) The Secretary,
Pondicherry Auto Drivers’ Association,
Puducherry – 605013.

Member Of Parliament.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Suggestion cum Defining a new Petrol / Diesel/ LPG price structure for the P/H persons and Registered Members of the Unorganized Sector.

The P/H persons and Registered Members of the Unorganized Sector humbly request you to consider the following suggestion.

The Petrol / Diesel usage can broadly be Categorized as Necessity and Luxury.

It is a Necessity for public transport like Auto – rickshaw, farm equipment including oil driven pumps, tractors for agriculture, self-employed micro, small, medium and large transport. Their entire livelihood depends on the price of the fuel. It is their Bread and Butter.

It is a Luxury for the private car owners, two wheeler and generators used in homes, cell phone towers, offices etc. and interstate Private Bus operators.

1) For P/H persons using three wheeler for mobility purposes,
the price should be Rs5/= per litre (Rupees Five only)
2) The price of the Petrol for Necessity should be Rs15/= per litre (Rupees Fifteen only)
3) The price of the Diesel for Necessity should be Rs20/= per litre (Rupees Twenty only)

For Luxury usage the Petrol / Diesel price should be Rs150/= (Rupees One hundred and fifty only) and above. There is a marked difference between an Auto rickshaw waiting for filling Petrol and a private car or two wheeler waiting for filling Petrol. It is a stark contrast of livelihood and luxury. They are not in the same level playing field.

Even Mr.Sharad Yadav, M.P, in a statement to the press has requested the Centre to Categorize and accordingly price the Diesel. – Refer Deccan Chronicle – 12/07/2011. Xerox enclosed.

The C.N.G that is wasted and flared at ONGC --Karaikal should also be made available to Auto rickshaw, Van drivers etc. Right now in Surat, (Gujarat State) – The usage of CNG vehicles is on the rise. Refer ‘Times of India’ –‘City sees rise in CNG vehicles’ Dated 09/07/2011. Xerox enclosed.

LPG should be supplied at Rs75/=(Rupees seventy –five) per cylinder to The P/H persons and Registered Members of the Unorganized Sector provided they are the head of the family of the ration card

The Government of India is having enough data base like election identity card, Aadhar card and Census report. All these data should help the Govt. to identify the real end user of fuel.

During elections, all strata of people cast their vote for M.P or MLA or Municipal Councillor. But the persons who benefit after the election are the government employees and public sector employees. We find the government servants and public sector officials are the only ones who are pampered with fat pay cheques / arrears after every pay commission irrespective of their efficiency or ability. Not to be left behind, even our elected M.Ps, MLAs are united and quietly cut across party lines when it comes to increasing their own salaries.

We are the neglected class of people. Our grievances are never discussed or heard in Parliament. Even after 16 years no Rules and Regulations have been framed by the State Governments under ‘The Disability Act 1995’. The government has not done a study regarding
its implementation. The urge to help or assist the P/H persons and Registered Members of the Unorganized Sector by the elected leaders is neither spontaneous nor inherent nor voluntary.

On the contrary, we have to constantly remind the elected leaders of our very existence. At present, we are treated as vote banks. The P/H persons are in a state of limbo due to non-implementation of 3% reservation coupled with poor transport facilities in Puducherry. The three wheeler used by P/H has come to a halt due to steep hike in petrol prices.

We are confident that you will support Mr. Sharad Yadav’s press statement. A new beginning has to be made to alleviate the sufferings of the P/H persons and Registered Members of the Unorganized Sector.

Thanking you,
Yours truly,

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